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Writing In 2022

  Welcome to 2022!!!!! I have my new calendar.  New Notebooks and new pens. I am very excited about my writing in 2022. I have a great book idea that has been in my head for the past few years.  It is a genre that I have never written.  I have written romance novels, non-fiction books my walk with Jesus and living in the last days My newest Book is That Crazy Chicken Lady.  Can be purchased on Amazon This book is a Biblical Quest set about 100 years into the future, so I would put this in the genre of Fantasy but then I am not sure if it is a fantasy.  But I am going to write and finish it in 2022.  That is my Goal I started to write it in Long Hand, I have written about 200 pages in long hand and not getting anywhere. So I am back on the computer,....I started yesterday.  I am going to keep track of my word count daily and page count.  I will be typing single space instead of double space. So if you are working on a book or just want to writ...


  I published my first book My Bible--My God in 2011 Now 80 E-Books and Print Books later I am still writing and publishing. 2022 is my year to write and publish my longest, biggest book ever.  I am shooting for 800 page book. IF YOU ARE GOING TO DREAM --DREAM BIG. I have written and re-written the beginning many times, but I haven't given up. I had 130 hand written pages, when I decided that it wasn't working I started over. I now have 56 hand written pages and thinking..... Should I start another rewrite or just keep writing? I am not going to stop. The question that is always in my mind..... What do I want to write.....before I die????? I believe in the RAPTURE.  Jesus is coming for HIS people. So I know that my time is limited on this planet.   So this is THEE book that I want to write before I go to Heaven. So what book do you want to write in 2022? Leave a comment and let me know HAPPY NEW YEAR   WHEREVER YOU LIVE!!!!!!!!!!

New Year---New Goals

  2022 will be here soon.  Have you made writing goals of the new Year? One year, I decided to write a short story every month and publish it.  Me VS Zombies was born I wrote and published a short story every month for a year.  I wrote whenever and everywhere.  In my short E-Book write 12 E-Books in a year has my writing schedule, before I started and after I was finished.  I write on how I did it. This year I am writing sort of a Fantasy Novel with Biblical Quest. This will be a longer book, shooting for at least 500 pages or longer. New worlds, new characters and new plot lines....I have all this stuff in my head. I am writing in longhand, because I have to get these ideas on paper and I write better in longhand when I need to get stuff out of my head.  I don't have to be perfect and I can always through the paper away if I hate it. So that is my goal for 2022. What is your writing goal for 2022? Leave a comment.

Write Like No One Will Ever Read It

 This is one my first E-Books I published on how I wrote Me Vs Zombies, 33 Episodes in One Year The book is a bit outdated on the tech side, but it has my writing schedule I wrote before I started writing and my actual writing schedule when I was finished.  Me VS Zombies was a fun series to write.  By writing a Short Episode Every Month, I learned How to Write, Format and Edit. Now Today....I am writing a Fantasy Novel in long hand, shooting for 500-800 pages.     I am writing as if no one will ever read it. I have a lot of ideas and not sure how I am going to work it all in, so I am writing in Long Hand and if I throw a few pages away I will continue to write, because it is my book and I am going to write it the way I want to The important thing is to write everyday.  That is what I am doing.  I am writing the book I want to write at this moment. No one cares if I write or not.  Not family members or anyone, but they are happy to accept a fr...

Should One Rewrite Complete Rough Draft, Before Rewriting?

  I feel as if I am going down hill and losing total control. I have 108 pages written in long hand on my Fantasy Novel.....Now I am having trouble with the Prologue and the Opening Scene......I now came up with a Total New Beginning & New Opening Scene.... What should I do????  Keep writing or Start Over. I am thinking about Starting Over......Because......It totally changes the entire first part of the book. I can always go back to my original idea. So today I am going to write the Prologue and Opening Scene and see if I like it or not. This is why I am writing in Long Hand....My mind is overflowing with ideas and this way I can switch gears without worrying about my flashdrive or computer crashing.  I will have a hard copy of all my crazy writings  Wish me luck Leave a comment and let me know what you think.   I cannot be the only one losing control of my book, am I?

Writing Goals For The New Year

 Happy New Year!!! Yea I know that it is November 30th and some of you, depending where you live it might be December/ It is never to early to start planning. The Last book I Published was That Crazy Chicken Lady which is an E-Book and Paperback and can be found on Amazon. I now have this crazy idea for a Biblical Fantasy Novel.  Includes, Dragons, A Character from the Crusade period, Giants and fun facts about the Bible. My problem is that I have way to many ideas in my head and have no idea how to put this into one book.  Yes I want one book.  I am shooting for 500 pages but would like it to be 800 pages. This is my BIG BOOK.   That Crazy Chicken Lady was based on  me quitting my job to raise chickens as we live in the last moments before the Rapture, (Jesus' Return) I have written Zombie Books, Christian Books, And Now I Am Going To Write A Fantasy Novel. I am writing this book as if no one will ever read it.  I am going to get all my crazy ide...

Write Your Story-From Your Heart

  My Testimony WE ALL HAVE A STORY TO TELL My story is how Jesus saved me, when I was waiting to die. It doesn't matter if you are a Believer or not.  That is between you and God. I do know that we all have a story to tell. What Is your Story? I ask this question is because we are only here on earth for a little while.  We all are going to die.  Doesn't matter what country you live in or how old you are.  We all have a story to tell and we all are going to die. I say this, because I didn't think I was going to live through my twenties and now I have grey hair and ask myself, What happened? I quit my job to write. In the last two years I have written a Series The Way Series,  I am now writing book 6. I had to ask myself.  What do I want to write, before I die.  What do I want to say before I die.  What do I want to leave behind? I like writing Zombie Novels.  But is that my true calling to write? God told me to write my Testimony. ...

Zombies, Zombies and More Zombies

 All E- Books Free On Kindle Unlimited on Amazon I have over 30 Zombie E-Books.   Get Your Zombie Fix with these Zombie Books Years into the future, Zombies are now at the zoo, waiting for a cure.  Is this a good Idea? 33 Episodes of Me VS Zombies Follow Summer as she tries to Survive during an outbreak, all the while she just wanted a bit of romance in her life. What would you do, if your date turned into a Zombie? Write Your Own Zombie Story

The Way A Five Book Series

 ALL BOOKS ARE  FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED.  GO TO AMAZON AND CHECK OUT THE SERIES  ALL MY BOOKS Book 1 The Cross Book 2  Prepare Yourself For The Rapture Book 3 That Bible Warning Book 4  That Bible Lady Book 5 That Crazy Chicken Lady Book 6 Coming Soon  Guardians Of Thy Word All These Books are FREE on KINDLE UNLIMITED

Writing In Long Hand

  I know that I haven't blogged for awhile.  I think I was in a transition mode.  I cleaned my room, organized my writing supplies and started to write my newest novel in longhand.  I know that computers are easier and that is the future. My printer stopped printing.  I don't want to buy a new printer at this time.  I don't want to type the book into the computer, and not be able to print it out. I like to read a hard copy.  I forget what happened in Chapter 3 when I am writing Chapter 15 and then I have to scroll up and find out what I had written.  I always print out what I type into the computer. So I decided to do it in longhand first to get my ideas on paper. This is going to be a 500 page book.  I am shooting for a longer book, there is alot of stuff I want to put into it. It is a quest book.  The characters are on a quest and will meet alot of different people and places. So I am going to write the book in longhand, because I know...

Hard Cover Books Coming To Self-Publishing On KDP

  I was just on  KDP   And they are working on Hard Cover Books you can select when you are Self- Publishing.  I think that is great news. I never really cared about whether it was Paperback or Hard Cover, but now the book that I am working on is a longer book.  Goal is around 500 pages.  That would be so cool to have that book in Hard back.  I realize that it might be more expensive, but this will be the longest book I have ever written, and I would like that to be in Hard Cover, just to hold if nothing else.  So I am excited about that. They are still working on it.  But that would be cool.  Something to strive for, something to look forward to. So I know that I have not posted for awhile.  I have been in thinking, plotting and organizing mode. I have an idea of a Fantasy Novel, though I don't know if that is what others would call it, because it is connected to the Bible, anyway.  I organized my room, gathered my writing sup...

Does Anyone Care If You Write Or Not?

 Here I am in 2011, This is the first book I Self-Published.  I now have 80 E-Books on Amazon and some of them are in Print. Does anyone care if I write and get published?  No.  No one around me cares.  That is a fact of life.  If I write or don't write does not affect people around me. I write because that is who I am.  I am a writer.  I can not stop writing.  I have tried.  I would like nothing more than to sit on the couch with a bag of chips and dip and watch movies, but the voices in my head, won't let me.  They want their story written.  So I write. I write for myself.  I don't write for anyone, except God. God has told me the books to write. I started out as a Zombie Writer.  I like writing Zombie Books. Then One day, God spoke to me.   God said to me, "I let you have your fun, now I want you to write the books I want you to write.  that is what I am doing. I have written The Cross, That Bible La...

How I Plot My Books.

Save The Cat Got to  Buy the book.  It will change the way you plot. There are 15 Beats to plot by. 1.  Opening Image 2.  Theme 3.  Setup 4.  Catalyst 5.  Debate 6.  Break Into Act 2 7.  B-Story 8.  Fun & Games 9.  Midpoint 10.  Bad Guys Close In 11.  All Is Lost 12.  Dark Night Of The Soul 13.  Break Into Act 3 14.  Finale 15.  Fina Image This has totally changed the way I plot and think about the story. Then The Book puts Plots into Groups: 1.  Whydunit 2,  Rites of Passage 3.  Institutionalized  4.  Superhero 5.  Dude With A Problem 6.  Fool Triumphant  7.  Buddy Love 8.  Golden Fleece 9.   Monster In The House The Book breaks it down for you.   THIS BOOK IS A MUST IF YOU ARE A WRITER.   I DON'T CARE WHAT COUNTRY YOU LIVE IN. THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ BUY THIS BOOK DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK I am not getting pai...

World Building For A Fantasy Novel

 This is new for me.  I started out as a Romance Writer,  Moved to Paranormal Romance Writer to Zombie Writer to Christian Writer.  Now I am venturing into being a Fantasy Writer. So I will blog on how my writing is going.  This is what I have done so far: 1.  I googled world building and found a great PDF to print out  (Google The Ultimate Worldbuilding Template and print it out or save it on your computer. 2.  Went and bought new notebooks and 1 sketchpad notebook.  The sketchpad notebook I am using for my drawings (Not that I can draw at all) and to place important ideas or whatever for a quick reference. 3.  I went online to find pictures of my characters.  I looked at book covers to find my pictures  (Google premade bookcovers)  I printed out the covers, cut out what I wanted and placed them in my sketch pad.  I also Goggled Fantasy Characters.  Just to find pictures of what I want my characters to look like...

Published A Print Book

  Amazon THAT CRAZY CHICKEN LADY   AMAZON It is easier than you think to publish a Print copy on Amazon.  It might take some time but basically you download the template for the size of book you want and then insert your file into that template. I am very proud and excited about That Crazy Chicken Lady.  It is a romantic comedy about a Megan you inherits her Grandmother's farm and Megan hates the outdoors and ends up raising chickens.  It is a fun read and also talks about living in these last days. Believe it or not, but this world is a mess and these two books Prepare Yourself for the Rapture and That Crazy Chicken Lady is all about how to survive in these last days before Jesus comes back. Chickens is a great food source. for eggs and meat.  All you need is a Rooster to do his thing and you can hatch chicks over and over again.   Even if you are not a Believer of Jesus Christ, you have to see the signs of what is going on in the world. So ...

That Crazy Chicken Lady

 I ordered a Proof copy of my newest book That Crazy Chicken Lady.   Amazon It is published as E-book.  I am waiting for my proof copy on the Print Copy. I am so excited about that. The story is about a woman who quits her job and moves to the country, even though she hates the outdoors, to raise chickens as she believes that she is living in the Last Days. I have already sold copies of the E-Books and I think this is a book at the perfect time we are living in. Amazon We are living in  the Last Days before the Rapture. and That Crazy Chicken Lady and Prepare Yourself for the Rapture is for today. I am excited about these two books. Keep writing.  

Published Book 80

  Finally Published That Crazy Chicken Lady!!!!        Amazon   It is on Amazon in E-Book.  I am publishing it in Print.  I ordered a copy to see what it looks like before I hit the publish button. For the past 2 weeks I have been in editing mode.  This is what I did. 1.  I write in bed.  Though I do not recommend this.  Bad for the Body. 2.  I printed out a Hard Copy and read it through.  Not looking for grammar mistakes, but for major plot mistakes.  Making it flowed how I wanted it to.  Making notes listing page numbers as I read. 3.   I then went and corrected the problems in the computer. 4.  I then did the spell/grammar checker.  I knew I had mispelled words. 5.  Printed out another Hard Copy 6.  I then went through it line by line word by word, making lists of things to do later and marking on the Hard Copy. 7.  I then went back to the computer and made all the corre...

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

 This book was the first Novel I wrote, finished and Self-Published.  I was rejected by every Major Publisher in New York City.  This was in the 1990's .  Fast forward to present 2021 I have more than 80 E-Books and Print Books Self-Published on  Amazon . The past month I have been working on my Latest Book, That Crazy Chicken Lady.  I wrote the rough draft.  I just had to rewrite some of it and start editing it.  The problem was that I didn't like the tone of the book.  It wasn't funny.  It was a good story, but deep down, I didn't like it.  So I changed the name of some of the characters and rewrote the entire book.  It is 60,000 words and I really like this book.  I think it will be a fun read.  A romantic comedy. So why am I telling you this? Because for a month, I wrote nothing.  I thought about writing as I was binge watching TV eating chips and dip.  At this point I didn't care if I wrote or not....

Still Writing

  I am still writing.  Are you.  I know it has been over a month since I have blogged, but I am still here.  I published  That Bible Lady  in February and have been working on my next book which is called: THAT CRAZY CHICKEN LADY I am in editing mode.  It is also a romantic comedy.  I think it is funny. So I am dealing with chickens most of the day, and then I am writing. I have also plotted out a 3-4 Book Fantasy Series set in the future.  Where there is no Bible and God is no longer acknowledge. So I have been busy......What are you up to??? The book is based on me, though alot of is fictional.  It is based on the Last Days before the Rapture on how one woman is raising chickens to help overs in these dark days as society collapses around them. I 

What? No Writing?

 What?  No Writing.  I was doing so good, then the chickens got in the way.  First a raccoon was after the flock and the next day was a snake in the coop.  I think I am tramized. So I have to admit that I have not written anything for the last few days. My nothing but writing days are over.  Life as crept back into writing career. That doesn't mean that I have stopped writing, I just have to make a few adjustments and I will be writing again.  Hopefully in a couple of days. So for now, keep writing and if you are not writing, don't give up.  You will find the time.  I have to go check the chickens water again.  It is very hot out and I keep putting ice cubes in their water.  Have a great day and a great week

Outlander Book Club

  Day 6 Of Having Nothing To Do But To Write I hate to admit it but Social Media sucked all my writing time out of me yesterday.  I joined An Outlander Book Club on Facebook.  There is the 9th book coming out from the series in November so this book club is going to start June 14, and read through the 1st 8 books before the 9th book comes out.  Sounds good and fun, but the books are around 1,000 pages give or take a few pages.  So I was on that site on and off all day wanting to read what everyone is talking about. Needless to say, No writing on book I did publish two books into Print yesterday FREE ON KINDLE   Until June 13,2021 FREE ON JUNE 10-15 2021 That Bible Lady   Free On Kindle   2nd Book In The Way Series  The  Cross  The Cross  1st Book in the Series of The Way   So I did some work on my writing yesterday.  I need to stay off of FaceBook.  I watch the series Outlander on Starz and is my favorite se...

Free Kindle E-Book

  Free On Amazon Free Today Until June 13, 2021 Free for 5 days

Write The Ending First

  Yesterday, was day four.  I had the entire day to myself.  It didn't start off good.  I spent way to much time on social media, but in the afternoon, I started writing and I got a lot done.  I wrote my Final Scene.  I now know how the book is going to end.  I wrote All Is Lost scenes.   So I know where the story is going. I do have one problem though, When I started writing the book, I made the Heroine in the First Scene that she got out of prison and went to claim her Grandmother's estate, which her Grandmother let to her.  So she had to be tough, and a bit rough and not afraid of much of anything.  Then I decided the reason she was in prison because she killed her boyfriend.  That is kinda dark, but happens more than it should.  Then there was a scene where she went after her Sister, who was trying to sell Grandma's estate. So much for a Romantic Comedy.  I put everything I had as I wrote.  Now that I wrote T...

I Should Be Writing

  I should be writing.  I need to stay off FaceBook and Youtube, I get lost on the FaceBook Groups on chickens.  I am a dog person.  I moved out in the country and ended up with Chickens instead.  Which is good to have if you want to live off the land.  Chickens are hearty.  They lay eggs naturally and then I just go and collect them.  I know this is a writing blog, but the book I am writing, is about A Crazy Chicken Lady.  It is loosely based on my life on the chicken farm, since I don't like the outdoors at all.  I like staying inside.  If I never left the house, I would be fine with that, but now I have to get up early to let the chickens out and make sure I go to bed at a reasonable hour, so I can get  up early to let them out.  So when I let the chickens out and they are watered and fed, I should turn the computer on and start writing, well.... I did turn the computer on and then went on FaceBook.  But I have the...

Nothing To Do But Write

  I am on day 3 of writing.  I have nothing to do except to write.  So I am going to blog for the next week on my writing progress. I am not keeping track of word count or page count.  I am just writing. I have written so far(not this week) 30,000 words on this story.  I have 105 pages written.  That is pretty good for me.  I knew how this book is going to end.  So I have the first 5 chapters written. I then skipped down to the All is Lost Moment at the end of  book and have been working on the ending of the story, so I will know what to put in the middle.  I am not writing in order.  I am writing the scenes that pop in my head.  Goal is to have rough draft done by week's end. Day 1:Friday I have to get up at sunrise around 6:00AM to let the chickens out.  (I like to sleep later, but this week I have to let the chickens out.)  I let the chickens out.  I then spend time reading the Bible.  I can not do anythi...

Mary Shelly Wrote Frankenstein with Pen & Ink

  I have been rejected by every publisher in New York City.  I went to many writer's conferences and have spent thousands of dollars.  I have taken writing courses on-line.  I have joined writer's groups on Facebook. This is what I have learned: Write what you want.  Stop listening to others.  I have learned that no one cares if I write or not.  No one cares that I blog or not.  Writing does not effect anyone else's life except yours. You might say, what about my family and my children.  I have a job.   Your family and children are doing their own thing.  Your husband, wife, partner doesn't have hobbies or hang out with their friends?  Your children play with other children.   If you want to write, then write.  Don't talk about it, don't tell anyone, just write, whether it is long hand or on a computer. I am a Self-Published Author on Amazon.   My Books   I have over 75 E-Books and Print Books...

New Month---New Goals June

  All My Books on Amazon It has been awhile since my last post.  I can't believe that it is now June.  I live in the southern part of America and I have to tell you the weather is wacky here.  It is June and for the past 2 days I have had my heat on.  It is cold and rainy here in the 50's.  I had to replant my garden twice because of the rain and cold weather.  I just planted 20 tomato plants and guess what happened?  It got cold again and has been raining for the past two days.  Where is the 90 degree weather?  Where is the hot and humid weather? My chickens are doing fine.  I will tell you more about me chickens in another post. I believe that we are living in the Last Days before Jesus returns.  I know this blog is about writing and for me The Last Days has motivated me.   Our time on earth is limited.  Jesus is coming.  If you don't Believe, then sooner or later you will die and that is a fact. So what B...

New Month/New Start

  It is April and Spring is in the air.  The last couple of months, I have been writing and rewriting and feel like I am on a tread mill and going but getting nowhere So April I wrote 3,000 words.  I am focused and I think I have the novel plotted out.  I have written 1,000 words so far, April 2 The goal for April is to write everyday, no matter what.  The sun is shining, it is getting warmer out and I really have no excuse.  Even if it is one word, I am going to write everyday this month. I will post my progress. What is your goal for the month of April????

Writing All Day

  Amazon This is my favorite fiction book so far. I think it is a fun read.  If you just want to read a fun Zombie story, this is it.  I like the cover and I like the story.  I also published it in a print version and the cover of the print version had to be different, because for some reason Amazon would not take this cover for the paperback so I used a different cover.  I self-publish and I pay nothing.  I do it all on my own.  which some might disagree with.   I have 78 E-Books on Amazon and 15 Print Books on Amazon.  I am debt free.  If I can Self-Publish on Amazon, so can you. Amazon Yesterday, was a rainy day all day.  I stayed in my room and wrote from 8am to 2pm  I got alot done and got re-focused.  I was writing, but was not making progress, so I had to hold up in my room and just focus, now I think I am on track. The fact is that no one cares if you write or not.  My family doesn't care if I write....

Writing Update

 I Published 2 Books in February  Zombie Diary Day 1  Amazon That Bible Lady   Amazon I can not say that I have been very productive since February.  I was on a roll.  My word count was up . Then something terrible happened.  BED BUGS I know that these bugs are everywhere around the world.  They are hard to kill and just freaks me out like some horror movie.  Anyway, Hopefully they are all gone. I have been rewriting, rewriting and rewriting and it is no annoying, just when I think I am going in the right direction, I realize I wrote myself in a ditch....So then I start rewriting.  AAAAAHHHHHHHH I haven't been blogging I haven't been doing much just writing and rewriting and getting nowhere. So hopefully I am back on track. How is your writing going??? Let me know.  Have a question, leave in comment section and I will answer it
  First Book I Published This is the first book I published.  I know have over 75 E-books and Print Books sold in almost every country in the world that Amazon sells in.  I have people in India buying my  Zombie Books   But just like in Zombie Books, the world is going to end.  2020 was a test run of what is going to happen in the future.   So I started thinking, what if my time on this earth is almost over, what book do I want to write and publish before I die? So ask yourself that question:  What Book do you want to write and publish before you die? That will put a lot of things in perspective.   The book that I am writing now, I want to write and publish before I die or before there in no more electric or wifi.  I would like to just write Zombie Books, and I could.  I know that God has placed a book on my heart to write before I die.  So I have to write.  I have to write everyday.  I have to get this book...