Words Written: 3,119
Goal: 125,000
Deadline: December 31,2020
Words Left To Write: 81,814
Total Word Count, 43,186
Book 1: Rough Draft Complete
Book 2: Started Rough Draft Today
I started this goal of writing 25,000 Words by the end of the year on 10/7/2020
In the last 16 days I have written 43,186
I am quite surprised by what I have written. I have never been this productive or focused. I am not sure why my mindset has changed, but for me, it is now or never.
If you follow myBlog, Jesus Is The Way you would know that I believe that we are living in the last days before the Rapture.
So with the Rapture coming, then the Anti-Christ and The Mark of The Beast, time is running out, as we live in these final days, before all the Believers are taken up into Heaven.
So the series that I am writing has to do with living in the last days before the Rapture. So I have no time to waste. I have to get these books written and published. The people who are left behind will have to know what had happen and what is going to happen.
I know some of you might think I am a bit crazy, but look at the world. Look at the United States of America, America has lost Freedom of Speech. America has lost the right to worship in church and inn public.
Once America falls, the world will fall and the Anti-Christ will rise, One World Order.
So if you have a story to write. There is not much time, before the entire world goes crazy.
That is why I am so focused. Time is of the essence.
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