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When I started self-publishing back in 2011, it was not as popular. I could write a short story and sell them with no problem. That is when I wrote the Me VS Zombie Series I was writing a short story once a month and published one episode every month. My writing Schedule is in the Book Serialize Your Fiction. That is all I did for a year. I was on a mission. So I can write short fiction. That is not my problem.
Buy NowI wrote this book in one week. I think it was about 15,000 words when I was finished.
So I can write and publish with no problem.
The Problem Is:
I want to write a 500 Page Novel.
I have made my Character charts, and placed pictures on my wall.
It is a Road Trip Novel.
I have the idea in my head. I have the beginning. I have an ending.
I have unique characters.
So what is my problem????
My scenes are too short.
I am just intimadated by the fact that I have to come up with enough conflict, drama, character growth to cover 500 pages.
Why did I decide on 500 Pages.
I want to write a Big Novel. One book that will define me as a writer and people will want to read.
I don't want to stretch this book out over 1-2 years. I want the rough draft written with 1-2 months or it will never get written.
This is what I came up with:
500 Pages X 250 Words Per Page = 125,000 Words (That is my Word Count Goal for the book)
5,000 words a day = 150,000 in a month
3,000 words a day = 90,000 words a month
2,000 words a day == 60,000 words a month
I know that NANO is coming up in November (Where everyone around the world attempts to write a novel in a month)
I am not trying to do that. I tried that years before, and it didn't work for me. To much pressure.
I just want to write a rough draft of 125,000 within a month or two. I just want my thoughts an ideas on paper. I want to print out the entire rough draft and see the pile of pages stacked up. That is my goal, and then I will worry about rewriting, editing etc. later.
This is my winter project.
So what is stopping you from finishing your book???? Leave a comment.
I have never done a Big Book Before, so here I go. I will be blogging on my progress
1st Book I published in 2011My Bible--My God
Now I have over 70 E-Books and Print Books on Amazon.
If I can do this, so can you.
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