Yesterday, 10/9/2020 I wrote 3,131
Goal: 125,000 Words
Deadline December 31,2020
Words Left To Write:111,634
I did real well writing. I didn't write all the words, at once. I wrote 1,000 words in the morning. I then had to go and check on the chickens. I have 14 chickens that are a bit spoiled. Then I wrote, another 1,000 words in front of the TV, and then the last 1,000 words later in front of the TV. I am trying to write at least 1,000 words in one sitting.
I also wrote a summary of how I want the book to end.
If you don't know where you are going. how are you going to know when you get there?
I also wrote a brief summary of the Prologue. I like Prologues. I know writing books tell you not to write them, but in my books I have Prologue.
So I know how the story starts. I know how the story ends.
I do not stop to make any corrections. I have misspelled words and places I want to edit. I will type in CAPITAL LETTERS to make notes:
Then I keep writing. If I stop and edit or correct spelling, I am going to get side tract. My goal is to finish the rough draft by December 31,2020.
The Rough Draft is not going to be perfect.
It will have at least 20 chapters, A final Image and ab Epilogue
I choose my word count of 125,000 because this will be the longest book I have written and I want to write a big book. You can pick your word count.
What is your book word count???Leave me a message
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