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Showing posts from March, 2019

2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day, By Rachel Aaron

Rachel Arron 2,000 to 10,000 Words How To Write Faster, Write Better, and Write more of what you love Rachel Aaron This Book was published a few years ago.  I would urge anyone who wants to increase their word count to go to  Amazon   and down load a copy of this book. I have this book on my Kindle.  The other day, as I was thinking about my word count I went looking for this book.  I read it again.  There is helpful advice in this book.  She explains how she went from 2,000 words a day to 10,000 words a day.  She is honest and explains how she writes. I am always interested in how others write. I wanted to pass this book to you.  It is worth the money.  I am getting nothing for talking about this book.  I found it interesting, helpful and makes me want to increase my word count more. Check it out on Amazon and see if it is something you are interested in. Keep On Writing

Write No Matter What

Earlier this week I talked about increasing my word count, well today is Friday, so far so good.  I have been writing 1,000 words a day. I like to write when I wake up.  I grab a Pepsi and turn the computer on and write.  Yesterday, I had errands to run.  Then we ordered a truck load of dirt for the green house.  The he wanted to do some concrete on the green house, then the dirt came and we started shoveling the dirt into the green house.  I ached all over and was tired. I still needed to write.  I forced myself to write.  I wrote 500 words.  It was not 1,000, but I forced myself to write, and I felt better, knowing that I wrote There was no muse, no feeling of wanting to write.  I wrote, because that is the only way the story is going to be written.  I write because that is the only way I am going to be able to hold my book in my hand. I am a writer, so I write Keep On Writing. There is a lot more dirt to shovel into t...

How To Increase Your Word Count

Zombies On Board   The first book in the series  Me VS Zombies   I wrote and published a short story a month My Writing Schedule  on how I worked a full time job to pay the bills and still wrote and published on Amazon, every month. In my last post I talked about writing 500 words or 1,000 words a day.  Monday I wrote 1,000 words within 30 minutes Tuesday I wrote 900 words and took me an hour. Today, I will write and I post this blog and after I check the chickens.  (We just put the 12 chicks in with the adult 6 chickens in the same coop and clipped their wings.  All went well, but you are not here to hear my chicken stories) My point is that one day the words flowed, the next day they didn't.  A fact of life for a writer. I wrote and that is the important thing. It is not said that you have to write 1,000 words at one time.  Write when you can. 1.  While you are in the waiting room to see the dentist or doctor 2....

How To Write 4 Books In One Year

I sent off my Non-Fiction Book to the editor.  I wrote in less than a month.  I worked on it for about 3-4 hours a day and within a couple of weeks the rough draft was done.  I reworked a few things and now it is off to the editor That was only 10,000 words. I want to write 100,000 word book. Then other ideas pops into my head.  I jot them down.  I think they are brilliant.  Wait, I have to finish the novel that I am working on now.  I have the book cover, characters and plot.  I need to finish this book, but I also want to start this new series, oh but wait, what about my memoir?  I think my head is going to explode. So I did some research this morning, when I should of been writing.  If you write 500 words a day, in one year you would have written 289,755 words in one year.  That could be 2 novels plus or 4 shorter novels, plus If you write 1,000 words a day, in one year you would have written 365,000 words in one ...

Manuscript Sent To Editor

Write-Edit- Publish   Order Your Copy Today Includes my writing schedule on how I wrote-edit and published monthly and published over 50 E-Books on  Amazon  Self-Publishing has never been this easy.  Order Today! In the post on 3/14/19 Write An E-Book In A Week, I talked about writing a short non-fiction book.  I have been working on that book since then.  I would get up and work on it first thing for 3-4 hours in the morning, before I did anything else. I thought it was going to be a short e-book. I added more content.   I have about 50 pages and around 10,000 words.  It is finished and am sending it to my editor.  It was easy to write, since the entire content was in my head, I just had to sit down and write.  That is the key to writing and publishing, even though you probably have heard that a thousand times.  I know I have.  I went to writer's conferences and they would say, "Sit your butt in the chair...

Write Your Own Story

You are Blessed if you have people in your life, who supports your writing.  Do not ever take that for granted. I don't have a cheering section for my writing.  By boyfriend supports me, though he doesn't care if I write or not.  It does not affect his life.  So he supports me, but doesn't really care if I write one word a day or fifty pages a day.  Writing is up to you.  People don't care if you write or not, their lives will go on.  You are the one that is going to be miserable. Yesterday I didn't write.  I woke up with sinus problems and I couldn't focus.  I sat in front of the tv all day.  I was not happy.  I wrote nothing.  I probably should of made myself write, but I didn't. Woke up this morning and my head is clearer, I had no idea what I was going to work on today.  I went and fed and watered the chickens.  Drank a Pepsi and decided to blog.  My point is only you can write your story.  No...

Create a Routine

I no longer have a regular job.  I quit my job to write.  Sounds good and it is awesome not have to get dressed or have a sleep schedule.  The problem is there is no routine.  I get up when I want.  I go to bed when I want and I can stay in my pj's all day and sit in front of the tv if I want. Wait, I am suppose to be writing.  When am I suppose to do this? I am not a morning person.  I do not like to get up early.  I like to stay up late and sleep in.  By the time I get up, the chickens need to be checked on, I might need to run errands and now I have to think about the garden.  Sleeping until ten is great, but I am not writing because when I get up this late, I need to do other things. Today I got up at 7:00am and have been on the computer for the past three hours and I have acutally been writing. Whether I like it or not, if I want to write and blog, I need to get up early.  Not by choice.  The good thing about g...

To Many Ideas, Not Enough Time

I wish I could write, as fast as I can think. I was lying in bed this morning, not wanting to get up.  Half awake and half a sleep, I came up with another story idea. mes of Characters popped in my head, location, them or story.  I got out of bed.  I can't write this story, I have other stories to write. I have way to much stuff in my head. Does this happen to you?  Am I the only one, that comes up with brilliant ideas, but not enough time to write all my stories?  Now that Spring is here.  The weather is warming up, there is more to do outside.  Saturday, I helped refencing  the chicken coop.  Have to start on the green house. Which means, less time writing.  So I have to get up earlier to write, before I go out and work in the yard. If you have kids and a family, they are always getting in the way of you writing.  Fact of life. Then why does all these ideas pop in my head, and I can not do anything with them, excep...

Never Quit On Your Dreams

A Zombie Killing Van, ready for the Zombie Outbreak. I need to get one of these. I like everything about the Zombies. Zombie Zoo   First Zombie Story I wrote  99Cents We all have dreams,  I wrote this short story around 2013  E-Books were fairly new and I wanted to be self-published.  I learned as I went.  Things have changed on Amazon, but I never quit.  When my boyfriend had radiation treatment and other things, I might not of wrote a lot, but I never stropped dreaming.  I never gave up on my dream. 6 years since I published that short story, and over 50 E-Books and Print Books on Amazon, my passion for writing is stronger than ever. So if you have not written for a few weeks or a few years......It is never to late.  Pick up that pen, open that computer and just write whatever come through your fingers. You are a writer.  Never quit writing. I wrote a short story  The Beast of Willow Lake   a few years...

Write An E-Book In A Week

Write an E-Book In One Week I was  Blogging  on my other blog, I am walking with God.  When God placed a book on my heart. So after I was done blogging, I started a short Non-Fiction book.  I spent the next 3 hours sitting in bed writing.  I took the blog that I was writing and expanding and made it into about a 30 page E-book   Check out my  Blog   Titled Be Prepared Before The Rapture. I started Blogging on what we need to do before the Rapture, (When Christ Comes Back) I had 5 points in the blog and in the book I expanded it to 15 points so far. After 3 hours I took a break,,, In the afternoon, I expanded on the 15 points Today, I am going to finish up on the 15 points Write an author Bio Writing a short Non-fiction book or short story is not hard. You need around 10,000 words an E-Book Here is the breakdown: Title Page Copyright Page Introduction (Optional) The Book About The Author Other Resources Books B...

You Are Always Thinking of Your Story, Even When You Are Not Writing

Well the rain is not letting up.  Last time I blogged I was having problems with Conflict in Chapter 6,7 & 8 I went to the dentist yesterday.  I took a book and pen and paper.  Believe it or not, while I was waiting in the waiting room....I started writing down conflicts that could happen to my main character.  It was so clear.  How could I not of thought that earlier? So now I have my conflict for the rest of the book.  So just because you are not writing, and going about your daily life, you are still thinking about your story and out of nowhere, and idea will pop into your mind. When an idea comes, write it down, because you may not remember it ten minutes later.  So I have a lot to get paper. I got up this morning and ready to write..... Daily life got in the way, I could not write, I had other things to do but now 3 hours, I am back at the computer, with thoughts that have to be written down. Even though you are not writing, ...

Sagging Middle

Yesterday was a rainy day, Thunder off in the distance,  I was ready to write.  Then I ran into a problem. Chapter 6 Chapter 7 & chapter 8........I have no conflict and my Main Character is sitting there with nothing to do. I need more conflict....... It is 6:00AM and so not a morning person, but I woke up and decided that I need to solve this problem now, or I will not have anything to write this afternoon when I get home from Church. So I am blogging early hoping a bolt of lightening will strike me so I can start writing again. What do you do when you are stuck with no action or conflict in your writing?

Rainy Day, To Write or Binge Watch

The rain is coming down.  A good day to sleep in.  I checked the chicken, they are under the coop staying drying.  The 12 chicks are in there own coop with the heat lamp are fine. So the question is:  Should I stay in my room and write or should I binge watch something? It is thundering out here and am surprised that the internet is working.  Dish tv is not working because of the rain.  So I opted to write this morning. Yesterday I watched 2 of the Thor movies.  I have been working on a non-fiction Christian Devotional.  I sadly have to admit that I started this book in 2016.  I have 90 Scriptures, that I have to type into the computer and then explain what the scriptures mean, add a prayer and add a daily confession.  It is time consuming.  I am happy to say that as of last night I finished.  Though it is a rough draft, the time consuming stuff is done.  Since I quit my job I have been working on this book in th...

My Daily Writing Schedule

Today was a good day of writing.  . Woke up at 8:00am,  Worked on the non-fiction book for 3 hours. Took a break, which means I went outside and checked on the chickens and gave them their treat, a piece of bread. I came back in and cleaned house a bit and did dishes. Went to check the mail and had lunch. Went back to work on the non fiction book Plotted on my memoir and placed the 15 beats on the outline from the book Save The Cat Now it is 5:00pm and I am now blogging A good day of writing. I have also gone out and checked the chickens about 4 times to day to collect eggs and check on them How was your writing day?

Why Write?

I have been writing stories since I learned my ABC's.  I don't have a choice.  I have so many ideas in my head, sometimes I think my head is going to explode. I write because I don't have a choice.  I have tried not to write.  Once I decided that I will just be a couch potatoe.  Who wants to write everyday, in a room alone.  I like movies.  I like watching movies..  So I quit writing, put up all my notebooks and pens. It wasn't even a week before I am looking for a pen and paper.  I was writing on back of receipts, paper bags. I dragged out my notebooks and pens.  I can not run or ignore the fact that I am a writer, whether I want to be or not. I know my ideas are good.  I know I can write 5,000- 10,000 words a day if I really want to. When I was still working, I was so tired, I didn't write much on my days off.  I had stacks of pages written in longhand that I needed to put into the computer.  It was like I was ...

Reality of Being Self-Published

  Before You Self-Publish This is my second week of being self-employed as a writer.  I am blogging this blog and I Am walking with God Blog   though I know I need to do it more regularly. I have worked on the daily devotional, last week.  I have all 90 Scriptures typed in, and picked out a book cover. I used the Kindle Cover Converter and I am also going to make it a print book 2 days ago I wrote 3 thousands on my fiction book. Yesterday I didn't write, I did my monthly grocery shopping and had to go back to my job, they were having a farewell get together at work, so I had to go.  I know there is no excuse for writing, but I feel that if one puts to much pressure on one self you will never write.   So today,  I am focusing on writing and blogging.   So what is the reality of being a Self-Published Writer.   1.  You are going to spend a lot of time alone.  You and your thoughts.  You...