I wish I could write, as fast as I can think.
I was lying in bed this morning, not wanting to get up. Half awake and half a sleep, I came up with another story idea.
mes of Characters popped in my head, location, them or story. I got out of bed. I can't write this story, I have other stories to write.
I have way to much stuff in my head.
Does this happen to you? Am I the only one, that comes up with brilliant ideas, but not enough time to write all my stories?
Now that Spring is here. The weather is warming up, there is more to do outside. Saturday, I helped refencing the chicken coop. Have to start on the green house.
Which means, less time writing. So I have to get up earlier to write, before I go out and work in the yard.
If you have kids and a family, they are always getting in the way of you writing. Fact of life.
Then why does all these ideas pop in my head, and I can not do anything with them, except to tell my Characters, "I'm sorry."
I think if you are a writer, you are a creative person that a non-creative person will never understand.
I often think that I would like to know what a non-creative person thinks, because Characters are always talking to me, ideas are popping into my head. Then I see an opening scene and write it down, then there I go off on another story.
I know that I need to focus. Writing is a gift from God, but it can also be a curse if we do not stay focused, because we will never finish a story or novel if we let our minds drift from one idea to another.
How do you stay focused on one story? Any tips you want to share?
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