You are Blessed if you have people in your life, who supports your writing. Do not ever take that for granted.
I don't have a cheering section for my writing. By boyfriend supports me, though he doesn't care if I write or not. It does not affect his life. So he supports me, but doesn't really care if I write one word a day or fifty pages a day.
Writing is up to you. People don't care if you write or not, their lives will go on. You are the one that is going to be miserable.
Yesterday I didn't write. I woke up with sinus problems and I couldn't focus. I sat in front of the tv all day. I was not happy. I wrote nothing. I probably should of made myself write, but I didn't.
Woke up this morning and my head is clearer, I had no idea what I was going to work on today. I went and fed and watered the chickens. Drank a Pepsi and decided to blog.
My point is only you can write your story. No one else can tell your story, like you can. If you do not write and publish your story, life will go on, but you will be the only one that cares, that you didn't finish your story and publish it.
The goal is reachable, but you are the only one that can do it.
I know that I have good ideas. I know I can do this, but even though I have wrote and published on amazon, I still have doubts and when I write, I think,,,this is so stupid no one is going to read this. I am an idiot.
We all think this, that is why I think past famous writers drank. It dulled the negative thoughts.
You know you have a story. You know it is within your reach, so keep reaching and pressing toward. Every writer probably has the same thoughts and doubts.
So don't look at the markets, and see what is selling. Don't write what you think will sell.
Write your story. You are the only one that can write that story.
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