A Zombie Killing Van, ready for the Zombie Outbreak.
I need to get one of these.
I like everything about the Zombies.
Zombie Zoo First Zombie Story I wrote 99Cents
We all have dreams, I wrote this short story around 2013 E-Books were fairly new and I wanted to be self-published. I learned as I went. Things have changed on Amazon, but I never quit. When my boyfriend had radiation treatment and other things, I might not of wrote a lot, but I never stropped dreaming. I never gave up on my dream.
6 years since I published that short story, and over 50 E-Books and Print Books on Amazon, my passion for writing is stronger than ever.
So if you have not written for a few weeks or a few years......It is never to late. Pick up that pen, open that computer and just write whatever come through your fingers.
You are a writer. Never quit writing.
I wrote a short story The Beast of Willow Lake a few years ago, sold a few copies, but to my surprise, it is selling again. 99 Cents
You never know.
Keep On Writing
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