My Writing Schedule on how I worked a full time job to pay the bills and still wrote and published on Amazon, every month.
In my last post I talked about writing 500 words or 1,000 words a day.
Monday I wrote 1,000 words within 30 minutes
Tuesday I wrote 900 words and took me an hour.
Today, I will write and I post this blog and after I check the chickens. (We just put the 12 chicks in with the adult 6 chickens in the same coop and clipped their wings. All went well, but you are not here to hear my chicken stories)
My point is that one day the words flowed, the next day they didn't. A fact of life for a writer.
I wrote and that is the important thing.
It is not said that you have to write 1,000 words at one time. Write when you can.
1. While you are in the waiting room to see the dentist or doctor
2. Write on your lunch or work
3. Get to work early and write in your car. (I did this all the time when I worked)
4. Write when you watch tv. (I do this when I am writing a rough draft. tv for me is just background noise, but I still get to watch my favorite show)
5. Get up early
6. Stay up late
7. Carry a notebook with you, and write, even if you have thirty seconds, write that idea down. (did this all the time when I worked. I jotted down ideas before I forgot them)
8. If you can not find anytime alone, write in the bathroom throughout the day.
9. Write when your kids are playing in the backyard, you are still there with them.
10. If your spouse is a sports fan, sit with him as he watches the game, and write, in the stadium, write during the game.
The point is you have the time to write, if you want to.
I quit my job to write. My problem is that I have no routine. Sometimes I get up and write, right when I get up. Sometimes I don't feel like writing. Sometimes I need to go do something with the chickens and when I get back into the house, I find something to distract me from writing.
Monday I decided to write 1,000 words a day. That is doable for me.
For you, it might be 500 words a day.
So it is not about how busy you are.
Ever watch a movie about a writer, they are sitting at their desk, staring at the blank computer screen and not writing. That is not a writer, that is a wannabe writer.
A Writer Writes.
I am the first to admit that I like to watch tv, flip though the channels and drink Pepsi and eat chips. That is not going to get my book written.
I am no better than the next person who is having trouble writing, but I am writing 1,000 words a day, everyday of the week, 365 days a year. I am not including my blogging words.
How many words are you going to commit to a day?
Leave a comment and let me know. We can be accountable to each other. You are not alone in your struggle to write a book.
Keep On Writing
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